Drove down to the cities from school to attend a rallyx and niece's birthday party. This is the first rallyX of the season for me and the first in modified 4 wheel drive (M4) class due to a modified bumper that I didn't want to pay $200 for a new one. So I took out my back seats and ran M4. The rally was at Raceway Park, which is a new venue for the LOL region. The surface was grass with a sandy dirt mix underneath. It ended up getting really rutted out right away, the start was around a corner and two deep ruts developed where once you fell in them, your car would bottom out on the chassis and you're stuck following them. It was a ton of fun regardless of the timing issues and multiple course changes that delayed things. I ran on Blizzak WS-60's since my old lm-22's where shot from being studded. They seemed to work pretty good in the sandy dirt. I ended up getting 3rd in M4, which I was really happy about since the two cars that beat me where prepped ice racing/ rallyx dedicated cars. The course changed too much in between run groups to compare across classes.
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