Monday, February 1, 2010

Stupid Deer

I was headed up to the Keweenaw's 2009 Chain Drive bike race on June 19th when about an hour and a half into the drive, I hear a loud clunk and see a deer go flying to the right followed but thousands of pieces of plastic bouncing on the road. I pull over to the side of the road and get out to see the damage, it doesn't look good, the hood and right fender are all dent up and the headlight is in pieces strung out 100 feet along the road.

I was able to continue the drive up to Houghton, MI and do the bike race. It was around 10:00pm when the deer jumped in front of me in Wisconsin when it was dark and there was still traffic so I couldn't use my high beams and auxiliary lights to see it. People think I'm crazy to travel in the dead of night, but it's a lot easier to see deer when there isn't traffic and you have good lights.

Items replaced:
Front bumper cover
Right fender
Right Headlight
Inner fender liner
Steering fluid reservoir
Some radiator support pieces
Center and right grille
ABS module

Total costs: ~$5000

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